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It is a key factor that needs to be calculated, when you are investing in a company and want to ensure its financial soundness. When you say working capital, it means the money required to support the day to day functioning of your business. There may be tough times where you may not be able to get the expected profits out of your business to keep it running smoothly. Business credit can come to your rescue and help you keep the business running. It is required for funding everyday expenses such as purchasing inventory, salaries, power, water, raw materials, and transportation. Due to a variety of factors, especially the market conditions, which may prevail at that time and difference in prices, a business may go through a phase where expenses exceed expectations and there may be a need to spend more than budgeted.

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This change is also determined through the inflow and outflow of funds.

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are business loan repayments tax deductible For determining how to calculate working capital requirement for a new investment, the business managers have to make forecasts of the earnings i. e. accounts receivable, inventory, as well as the expenses i. e. , accounts payable. After the projections have been made, you have to compare the actual earning and expenses with the projections. Next, add the increase in accounts receivable and the increase in inventory, and subtract the accounts payable from this amount. The figure you then get will reflect the probable change in working capital, which can be used for the new investment. This change is also determined through the inflow and outflow of funds. So these two things should also be taken into consideration while calculating the working capital requirement. e.

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