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The ARC loans require no collateral or closing fees and will be 100% guaranteed by the SBA. The "Bad" is that the maximum dollar amount is small and is very limited to the number of small business owners that it would have any meaningful impact. The "Ugly" is the program is on a first come first serve basis. The program will expire once the $336 million in program funds is used or by September 30, 2010, whichever comes first. Currently there are over 400 lenders that have funded ARC loans. The "Good" loan approval are relatively fast within 36 hours and revolving loans up to 7 years with maturity extensions are allowed.

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A negative working capital, on the other hand, implies that the business is unable to pay off its short term debts, and hence, may suffer from losses and bankruptcy over time.

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how to get a business loan easy Bell of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce acknowledged the temporary extension of tax relief passed in December: “The activities of December will have a very, very positive effect I think on the overall economic environment, but particularly with regard to small business of confirming the tax rates, even though it’s only two years. ”4Panelists offered additional policy recommendations to support the operating environment for small businesses. For example, Senator Warner emphasized the need to expand the nation’s export capabilities. Mr.

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In addition, panelists discussed small businesses’ access to government contracts.

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If the current liabilities of a company are more than the current assets, it represents a working capital deficiency, and may sometimes lead to business debt.