what banks do small business loans

” She added, “We’re encouraging banks. We want them to…make safe and sound loans. ” Regulators are emphasizing a back to basics approach to underwriting. As Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke explained, “Our guidance is very clear. You shouldn’t be rejecting loans because of the industry or because of the geography, or some category. You need to look at each individual business…the only way to make loans is going to be by doing the work.

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Only once you draw from your line of credit will you be charged interest.

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how to small business loan Once you have met all the conditions, the agreement would be drafted and you would get the much needed cash. Things to RememberNo doubt, you have to return the money that you borrow, but this is one of the best ways to maintain cash flow. Whenever you apply for such funding, you should make sure that you build up your assets in cash up to such a point, wherein they are equal to or more than the line of credit. There are several instances where you may be tempted to rely on credit, but if they dry up, you may not have any working capital to fall back on. So you should be wary of such a scenario. Make sure that you have a strong cash position.

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