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Current assets are calculated as the sum total of the cash or cash equivalents, current inventory, accounts receivable, as well as marketable securities. Liabilities of a company are of two types―long term liabilities and short term liabilities. Short term liabilities, also known as current liabilities, are those debts, obligations, and liabilities of a business which have to be settled within one operating cycle, usually one year. Current liabilities are calculated as the sum total of the accrued expenses, accounts payable, part of the long term debt which is accounted as current and notes payable. YXM has cash worth $200,000, $20,000 in account receivable, $100,000 in securities, and $40,000 in inventory. The same company has $80,000 in accounts payable, $40,000 in current debt, and $30,000 in accrued expenses.

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Make sure that you prepare totally independent financial statements for your business, that do not include any of your personal finances.

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can get business loan without collateral They include cash in hand, cash at bank, accounts receivable, pre paid expenses, inventory, and short term investments. Current liabilities are those which have to be settled in cash within the current fiscal year. They include all the accounts payable pertaining to goods and services, including short term loans payable within one year. Working capital is the difference between the current assets and the current liability. And within the company itself, it may vary from month to month. It depends on two factors, namely, how much earnings a company has and what is the frequency of receiving those earnings. Secondly, what are the expenses that a company has and how frequently these payments have to be settled. For determining how to calculate working capital requirement for a new investment, the business managers have to make forecasts of the earnings i. e. accounts receivable, inventory, as well as the expenses i. e.

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